
Certainly, something that really called the attention of everybody in IYPT this year was the number of teams that brought mascots to the competition. Probably this was the result of the fact that the LOC kind of estimulated the teams in taking those fluffy things to this edition.

Some of the mascots were: Hugo (Brazil), Lise (Austria), Rydberg (Sweden), Schrödigger (Australia), Supermilchchue (Switzerland), Ernie (New Zealand), the Linux penguin from Germany (not sure about his name), two mascots from Singapore, the panda with the huge head from China and many others! Each one of them was attributed a different story and one may find a lot of funny pictures of these cute mascots on their facebook profiles.

Anyway, some posts about it were made before, like the pool for choosing Hugo’s name, the one in which he was introduced to the world or that about our last week of preparation, in which he appeared a lot. Some links refering to this subject were also put in the pre-departure post and many pics of it can be found in posts about this year’s IYPT.

The only thing we know is that Hugo was definetely the most popular member of our team (in the competition and after that, he actually appeared in the press with our team haha) and that the pool we made to choose his name was totally manipulated by people of certain team hahaha (but we already suspected of what happened when we saw the results), which we found very funny by the way :). Whatever, we wanted his name to be Hugo before, so having help from people of outside was actually nice.

Now, he lives on a shelf in Santos, inside one of the hats of the Brazilian team, holding his badge and an IYPT medal, but he is looking forward to go to Taiwan, so he is going to be handed to one of our team members next year.

Some of the photos of him and his mascot friends can be found below:

Um comentário sobre “Mascots!

  1. […] Para desejar feliz aniversário ao Hugo, deixe uma mensagem no perfil dele no Facebook. Veja também o post de boas-vindas ao Hugo, o post com a enquete que decidiu seu nome e outro sobre os mascotes do torneio internacional do ano passado. […]

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